Summer 2002       about the studio (Russian)

  • GALLERIES - collections of diary pages, devoted to some theme

b.b. is open to contacts

WHAT follows is my not so regular diary - graphics, photo, design and some small texts...(1.X.2001)
Internet project - CHURCH in Uzkoe

© Some GRAPHICS, PHOTO & DESIGN by Boris Budinas

25 августа 2002/25 August/

Nach Western! I am going for 10 days to Lithuania. My old drawing - reminiscence of PALANGA and of Lithuanian poet Maironis.

24 August 2002/

23 August 2002/

15 August 2002/

14 August/

China - drawings for new internet course on freehand drawing

13 August/

CHILDISH - drawings for new internet course on freehand drawing

8 August 2002/

Computer specific methods - preparing for new internet course on freehand drawing

7 August 2002/

COPYING - preparing for new internet course on freehand drawing

4 August 2002/

EXPRESSION - preparing for new internet course on freehand drawing

3 August 2002/

COMPUTER experiment - preparing for new internet course on freehand drawing

2 August/

Randomness in vector graphics - preparing for new internet course on freehand drawing

29 July/

Back from MYSHKIN - a town of classical Russian province. Some museums, some amateur theaters, some conferences held each yearЕAnd VolgaЕ I'll try to be back there in autumn with my camera. And some Lithuanian motives found near MYSHKIN...

21 July/

19 July 2002/

I'll be out of Moscow for 10 days - so nothing will be in my diary. I'll try to photograph places I'll visit. If only my camera will be repaired todayЕ

18 July/

16 July/

15 July 2002/

14 July 2002/

13 July 2002/

2 July/

30 June 2002/

It seems, that FLASH can replace (or may be already had replaced?) different multimedia environments. Surely with programming abilities of FLASH. I look forward for our Flash seminars in autumnЕ

26 June/

In link EDUCATION (at the top - near texts and flash) a plan of my future internet course on computer vector graphics appears. A subtitle of this course - for those, who manage mouse better than a pencil. Ambitious, but I'll tryЕ Sorry, in Russian.

23 June 2002/

22 June 2002/

18 June 2002/

13 June 2002/

12 June 2002/

My internet course is ending. We met on 10 June and decided to organize permanent seminar on computer graphics in autumn - flash, html, etc. (sorry - in Russian)

9 June/

8 June 2002/

7 June 2002/

4 June 2002/

3 June 2002/

2 June/

1 June/

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