winter, spring 2004       about the studio (Russian)

  • GALLERIES - collections of diary pages, devoted to some theme

b.b. is open to contacts

WHAT follows is my not so regular diary - graphics, photo, design and some small texts...(1.X.2001)
Internet project - CHURCH in Uzkoe

© Some GRAPHICS, PHOTO & DESIGN by Boris Budinas

30 May 2004

Some words of Japanese fighting master - to overcome yourself try to do things you do not want to do. Constantly!?… I remembered Leo Tolstoy's diaries - to overcome himself he refused riding a bicycle, after a heavy inner fight…What has this to do with our advertisement-ruled life?
FLASH - results
ALA - 2 & SitePoint Tech Times

26 May 2004

22 May 2004

20 May 2004

15 мая 2004/15 May 2004

12 May 2004

1 May 2004

Before leaving Moscow...
HOMO ...

30 April 2004

I'm going to Vilnius - to Europe now...
Everyday Moscow 5

22 April 2004

18 April 2004

14 April 2004

2 April 2004

17 March 2004

12 марта 2004/12 March 2004

4 March 2004

26 February 2004

24 February 2004

20 February 2004

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